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  2010年11月24日—26日, “水下文化遗产保护、展示与利用”国际学术研讨会在重庆隆重举行。此次研讨会由联合国教科文组织、中国文化遗产研究院、重庆市文物局联合主办,中国文化遗产研究院国家水下文化遗产保护中心、重庆中国三峡博物馆、重庆文化遗产保护中心、涪陵白鹤梁水下博物馆共同承办。共有来自联合国教科文组织以及中国、英国、法国、埃及、韩国、瑞典、土耳其等9个国家80多位水下文化遗产领域的专家、学者及代表参加会议。国家文物局局长单霁翔、文保司司长关强,中国文化遗产研究院院长刘曙光、副院长柴晓明以及重庆市政府、重庆市文物局、三峡博物馆有关领导出席大会开幕式。开幕式由重庆市文物局副局长程武彦主持。
  在开幕式上,重庆市人民政府副市长谢小军、联合国教科文组织驻华代表处文化项目官员卡丽丝、国家文物局文物保护与考古司司长关强分别致辞。他们充分肯定了此次会议的重要意义并对会议的召开表示热烈祝贺,同时也表达了希望各国学者以此为契机加强合作的强烈愿望。国家文物局局长单霁翔作了《从水下考古到水下文化遗产保护》的主题发言。发言全面阐述了二十多年来中国水下文化遗产保护事业从单一水下考古逐渐发展为全方位水下文化遗产保护的历程,提出了我国水下文化遗产保护事业的发展目标和原则理念。单局长指出,中国水下文化遗产保护事业的发展离不开多层次、高水平国际交流合作;实践证明建立的良好合作机制的建立能够促进全人类共同财富——水下文化遗产的有效保护。联合国教科文组织官员Ulrike Guerin介绍了《保护水下文化遗产公约》的主要内容和理论思想,分析了当前国际水下文化遗产保护领域中面临的一些新问题。重庆三峡博物馆名誉馆长王川平介绍了三峡文物保护及三峡博物馆群建设方面的情况。


  一是进一步加强水下文化遗产保护。加强对水下文化遗产的调查、登录和研究,逐步摸清水下文化遗产分布、特点及埋藏规律等情况,为依法保护奠定坚实基础。特别呼吁各国政府采取切实措施坚决制止非法盗捞,同时严格限制纯商业打捞水下文化遗产等行为,确保水下文化遗产安全。 二是加强水下文化遗产保护能力建设。重点是专业人员的培养和培训,水下考古、水下文化遗产保护专业队伍、专业机构的建设。并特别呼吁加强对发展中国家水下文化遗产保护专业队伍建设、技术等的支持。建议联合国教科文组织与相关国家合作建立水下文化遗产保护培训中心。 三是通过水下博物馆等方式加强水下文化遗产的原址保护,通过博物馆展览、出版物、互联网、广播电视、社会媒体、社区专题活动、体验潜水等多种方式让公众了解、参与水下考古、水下文物文化遗产保护,提高全社会水下文化遗产保护意识和参与水下文化遗产保护的积极性。 四是加强水下文化遗产保护国际合作。水下文化遗产保护具有“涉及范围广、技术含量高、资金需求量大”等特点,加强全球性国际合作十分必要,特别是水下文化遗产保护的理念、方法、技术以及防止非法打捞、走私水下文化遗产等方面。 五是进一步加强对《水下文化遗产保护公约》的研究和完善,促进世界各国尽早加入该公约。
  Chongqing Recommendation on Strengthening the Preservation of Underwater Cultural Heritage

  We, delegates from China, Canada, Egypt, France, Great Britain, Korea, Sweden, Turkey, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), attended the “International Meeting on Protection, Presentation and Valorization of Underwater Cultural Heritage” held in Chongqing, China from 24 to 26 November, 2010, at the invitation of the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage, Chongqing Administration of Cultural Heritage and UNESCO.
  We experienced first-hand China actively preserving the underwater cultural heritage following the philosophy of preserving in-situ (as the Beiheliang Underwater Museum) and as a whole (as the Maritime Silk Road Museum in Guangdong or Nanhai 1). We saw the value of excavating /preserving underwater cultural heritage scientifically and presenting it effectively. We saw both the public and the government work hard for the preservation of underwater cultural heritage. In order to enhance the preservation of underwater cultural heritage, we recommend that the government of other countries and the society take concrete action on the preservation of underwater cultural heritage with this understanding we recommend the following:
  1. The preservation of cultural heritage should be further intensified. The investigation, registration and research of underwater cultural heritage should primarily be improved to find out the location, characteristic and embedding of underwater cultural heritage sites which can lay a firm foundation to protect the heritage operationally and by law.  We especially appeal to governments from all over the world to take effective/concrete action to firmly fight against illegal salvage and smuggling, and the commercial salvage of underwater cultural heritage to ensure the safety of underwater cultural heritage.
  2. Capacity building of underwater cultural heritage preservation should be improved. Key points are the education and training of professionals, team building and establishing of specialized/specific agencies. We especially call for the support of team building, techniques and other aspects of underwater conservation for developing countries. Hence, the collaboration among countries and UNESCO is suggested to establish a training and research centre for underwater cultural heritage preservation.
  3. The preservation of sites in situ especially through underwater museums should be encouraged and the idea of preserving underwater cultural heritage should also be emphasized throughout society and awareness be raised. The public shall learn about and actively participate in underwater archaeology and underwater cultural heritage preservation through museum exhibitions, publications, websites, social media as well as targeted activities in communities, dive parks and trails.
  4. The importance of international cooperation must be stressed. The preservation of underwater cultural heritage involves a wide range of disciplines, high technology and budgetary investment. It is necessary for all countries to involve in global cooperation, especially concerning the concept, conservation, technology of underwater archaeology methodology and prevention of illegal salvage and smuggling of underwater cultural heritage.
  5. The 2001 Convention of the Protection of the Underwater   Heritage should be studied further. More countries are strongly encouraged to ratify it in the near future.



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